South Hills Catholic Academy Athletic Association Site Help

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Using the Data Table

SortingClick the column heading to sort. After sorting on a column you can hold the shift key and select a 2nd column to sort by.
FilteringType in the filter box at the top of a column to filter that column based on what you type. You can filter by multiple columns. Click the Reset button at the top of the table to clear all all the column filters and the Search filter.
SearchType in the search box at the top of the table to filter the rows based on what you type. Click the Reset button at the top of the table to clear the search filter.

Search Builder

DataTables Custom Search Builder Add Condition buttonThe Search Builder allows you to conduct a user defined complex search of the table creating groups and conditions. You construct a search query by adding groups and conditions using a graphical interface that is clear and easy to follow.

Start by clicking the 'Add Condition' button at the top of the table (not all tables on the site have this button). Remove your custom search by clicking the Clear All button,

Export, Printing, Copy, Column Visibility, Reset

Clicking these buttons at the top of the table provides the following functionality:

DataTables Export buttonExport the visible contents of the table as a CSV file, an Excel spreadsheet or a PDF file. For PDF export on very wide tables, if all the content does not fit on a standard page try hiding unneeded columns.
DataTables Print table buttonPrint the visible contents of the table.
DataTables Copy table buttonCopy the visible contents of the table to the clipboard.
DataTables Column Visibility buttonSet the visibility of the table columns. Note 1 - some columns may not be visible by default to allow the table to fit better on the screen. Note 2 - After making a column visible you may have to refresh the page to get the filtering for that column to work.
DataTables Reset Filters buttonReset the column and search filters. This does not affect column visibility. This does not clear any of the filters set by the Search Builder.

Overflow Columns

If the table columns cannot fit on the page you can view the overflow columns for a row by clicking the arrow icon (View Overflow Columns button) on the left side of a table row.